summary | ||
public | The generic componment class. | |
public | ComponentProxy is a proxy that converts (like a kind of casting) scripts into Mobilizing Components. | |
public | C Context | |
public | C Runner A runner is used to instanciate a Mobilizing.js user's script inside a specific context. It is requiered to use a Runner to initiate a context and to attech a script to it. |
summary | ||
public | A class to instanciate a Mobilizing Context with prebuild elements. |
summary | ||
public | ||
public | C Device Device class gives easy access to some device information such as the operating system and browser used | |
public | EventEmitter is a helper class to handle event emission | |
public | C Loader A loader class that manage the loading of datas from url. | |
public | Copyright (c) 2011, Daniel Guerrero All rights reserved. | |
public | ||
public | F error() | |
public | F info() | |
public | F log() | |
public | F warn() | |
public | F getElementPosition(el: Element): Object Get an element's position within the document taking into account the scroll positions | |
public | Clamp a value between a minimum and a maximum | |
public | F degToRad(val: float): * Converts degrees to radians | |
public | F dist(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float): * Calculates the distance between two 2D points | |
public | F intersectionPoint(line1: Array, line2: Array): {"x": *, "y": *} Intersection Point between 2 points | |
public | F lerp(value: float, dest: float, amount: float): * Lerps a value to the destination value with the given amount | |
public | F map(value: float, low1: float, high1: float, low2: float, high2: float): * Maps a number between 2 sets of float values | |
public | F pointIsInside(x: Number, y: Number, points: Vector2 Array): * Finds if a point is inside an array of vertices | |
public | F radToDeg(val: float): * Converts radians to degrees | |
public | F randomFromTo(from: float, to: float): * Generates a random number between 2 float values | |
public | F cloneObject(object: *): * | |
public | F encode64(inputStr: *): * Method to convert a string to Base64. | |
public | F getFileExtension(url: *): * | |
public | F getMimeType(url: String): String Extract the MimeType from the URL string of image files. | |
public | F getUrlParameter(sParam: *): String function to get the parameters of the url | |
public | Simple object check. | |
public | A function that return null as a value | |
public | F stringToArrayBuffer(str: DOMString): ArrayBuffer Converts a DOMString to an ArrayBuffer (raw data binary). | |
public | Returns a throttled version of a function The returned function will only call the original function at most once per the specified threshhold | |
public | Generate a random uuid | |
public |
summary | ||
public | ||
public | C GPS | |
public | C GPSUtils Some GPS coordinates convertion tools to use maps in Mobilizing.js | |
public | C Gamepad | |
public | Simple mapping from HTLM keyboard events toward Mobilizing.js. | |
public | C Motion | |
public | C Mouse Give simple access to mouse events | |
public | Uses built-in compass and/or gyroscope to produce orientation Data. | |
public | C Pointer Pointer is an abstraction that enables various input devices to send the same kind of events. | |
public | C Touch Touch give an interface to access the multitouch events of the device. | |
public | UserMedia class give access to navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia with various simplification of access |
summary | ||
public | C Ajax Ajax is a helper class used to simplify the use of the XMLHttpRequest API | |
public | C PubSub PubSub is a publish-subscribe messaging system based on It allows simple socket communication between different clients An runing instance of MobilizingServer is required to make this work | |
public | C Storage Storage is a client for the Storage server It allows remote persistant storage A runing instance of the Storage server is required to make this work |
summary | ||
public | RendererDOM is a Three js based renderer. |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public | C Mesh A Mesh is the aggregation of a geomtery, made of vertices (Vector3 Array), texture coordinates (or uv, Vector2 Array), vertexColor (Color Array) and various methods to create and modify 3D objects that have a material (see {{#crossLink "Material"}}{{/crossLink}}) and a transform (see {{#crossLink "Transform"}}{{/crossLink}}). |
summary | ||
public | EdgesMesh class creates a hiddenline fashioned Mesh from any other Mesh. | |
public | C Text 3D Text is created from a typeface represented in JSON, please use facetype.js to generate a JSON from a font file. | |
public | 3D Text is created from a standard font file compatible with opentype.js. | |
public |
summary | ||
public | ||
public | ||
public | C Texture Texture are bitmap pictures loaded in the graphic card memory so they can be mapped on a geometry surface. | |
public |
summary | ||
public | C Color Represents a RGB color to be used in materials applied on Meshes. | |
public | C Euler This class extends the one from Three.js, API available here : | |
public | C Line3 | |
public | C Matrix3 This class extends the one from Three.js, API available here : | |
public | C Matrix4 This class extends the one from Three.js, API available here : | |
public | Represents a Quaternion, a way to describe a spatial rotation that is less susceptible to gimbal lock. | |
public | C Ray A ray that emits from an origin in a certain direction. | |
public | C Rect | |
public | C Vector2 Represents a 2 dimensionnal Euclidean Vector, to be used as 2D positions, 2D directions or 2D Euler angles (rotation). | |
public | C Vector3 Represents a 3 dimensionnal Euclidean Vector, to be used as positions, directions or Euler angles (rotation). |
summary | ||
public | C MIDI |
summary | ||
public | C Font To be able to use both bitmap rendered font and 3D vector rendering, we use openType.js ( big thanks to Frederik!) to load any web compilant font and the use it in other classes. | |
public | C RichText | |
public | StyledLetter is a class that helps to represents a letter with its style for later drawing. | |
public | StyledTextElement is a simple class to organise text elements extacted from HTML text. | |
public | ||
public | C TextLine |