import Component from '../core/Component';
import * as debug from '../core/util/Debug';
export default class MIDI extends Component {
Gives access to the MIDI devices. This class requires the Web MIDI API to operate properly.
@param {Object} params Parameters object, given by the constructor.
@param {String} params.inputName The MIDI IN interface name we want to open.
@param {String} params.outputName The MIDI OUT interface name we want to open.
@param {Function} params.onMIDIIn The MIDI IN callback we want to be called on a MIDI in event.
@requires Web MIDI API
inputName = undefined,
outputName = undefined,
onMIDIIn = undefined,
} = {}) {
this.inputName = inputName;
this.outputName = outputName;
this.onMIDIIn = onMIDIIn;
if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess) {
navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then(this.onMIDIInit.bind(this), this.onMIDIReject.bind(this));
else {
console.warn("No MIDI support present in your browser. Try in another browser.");
Web MIDI API success callback.
@param {Object} MIDI
onMIDIInit(access) {
this.access = access;
this.access.onstatechange = this.hookUpMIDI;
Web MIDI API failure callback.
@param {Object} err
onMIDIReject(err) {
The MIDI system failed to start.
You're gonna have a bad time.
Error: ${err.message}
* hookUpMIDI
* @private
hookUpMIDI() {
if (this.inputName !== undefined) {
const inputs = this.access.inputs.values();
debug.log("MIDI inputs on your system : ");
for (let input = inputs.next(); input && !input.done; input = inputs.next()) {
debug.log("input=", input);
if (input.value.name === this.inputName) {
debug.log(`found MIDI interface IN : ${input.value.name}`);
input.value.onMIDImessage = this.onMIDIMessage.bind(this);
if (this.outputName !== undefined) {
const outputs = this.access.outputs.values();
debug.log("MIDI outputs on your system : ");
for (let output = outputs.next(); output && !output.done; output = outputs.next()) {
debug.log("output=", output);
if (output.value.name === this.outputName) {
debug.log(`found MIDI interface OUT : ${output.value.name}`);
this.output = output.value;
* onMIDIMessage
* @method onMIDIMessage
* @param {Object} event MIDI event
* @private
onMIDIMessage(event) {
if (this.onMIDIIn !== undefined) {
//channel message data1 data2
const message = event.data[0] & 0xf0;
const channel = event.data[0] - message;
const data1 = event.data[1];
const data2 = event.data[2];
this.onMIDIIn(channel, message, data1, data2);
Sends a Control Change MIDI message.
@method ControlChange
@param {Number} channel MIDI channel [0-15]
@param {Number} cc ControlChange number [0-127]
@param {Number} val ControlChange value [0-127]
ControlChange(channel, cc, val) {
if (this.output === undefined) {
let ccMessage;
const m = 0xB0 + channel;
ccMessage = [m, cc, val];
Sends a NoteOn MIDI message.
@method NoteOn
@param {Number} channel MIDI channel [0-15]
@param {Number} note MIDI Note number [0-127]
@param {Number} vel note MIDI velocity [0-127]
NoteOn(channel, note, vel) {
if (this.output === undefined) {
let ccMessage;
const m = 0x90 + channel;
ccMessage = [m, note, vel];
Sends a NoteOff MIDI message.
@method NoteOff
@param {Number} channel MIDI channel [0-15]
@param {Number} note MIDI Note number [0-127]
@param {Number} vel note MIDI velocity [0-127]
NoteOff(channel, note, vel) {
if (this.output === undefined) {
let ccMessage;
const m = 0x80 + channel;
ccMessage = [m, note, vel];
* Note On
* @property NoteOn
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
MIDI.NoteOn = 144;
* Note Off
* @property NoteOff
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
MIDI.NoteOff = 128;
* After touch
* @property Aftertouch
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
MIDI.Aftertouch = 160;
* Control change
* @property ControlChange
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
MIDI.ControlChange = 176;
* Program change
* @property ProgramChange
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
MIDI.ProgramChange = 192;