

import Component from '../../core/Component';
import Renderer from './Renderer';

Source Class. Encapsulates the concept of Audio source, a sound-emitting entity with a given position in space. requires the Web Audio API.

The webAudio graph used here is :
AudioBufferSourceNode -> GainNode -> MasterGainNode (a GainNode inside the renderer).

if the property "is3D" is set to "true" then it is :
AudioBufferSourceNode -> GainNode -> PannerNode -> MasterGainNode (a GainNode inside the renderer).

const EVT_PLAY_ENDED = "ended";

export default class Source extends Component {
    * @param {Object} params Parameters object, given by the constructor.
    * @param {Renderer} params.renderer the audio renderer
    * @param {bool} params.is3D is the audio source positionned in 3D ?
    * @param {bool} params.loop should the source be played in loop ?
    * @param {bool} params.autoUpdateRotation should the orientation of the source be updated automatically ?
        renderer = new Renderer(),
        is3D = false,
        loop = false,
        autoUpdateRotation = false,
        mediaElement = undefined
    } = {}) {


        this.renderer = renderer;
        this.is3D = is3D;
        this.loop = loop;
        this.autoUpdateRotation = autoUpdateRotation;

        this.mediaElement = mediaElement;

        this.duration = undefined;
        this.startedTime = 0; //for current time calculation
        this.currentTime = 0;
        this.playbackRate = 1; //reading speed
        this.offsetStartTime = 0; //startTime inside the buffer
        this.scheduleStartTime = 0; //when to start the sound playing (in audio rendrer time coordinates)
        this.loopCount = 0;

        if (typeof this.renderer.audioContext !== "undefined") {

            //panner Node to place sound in 3D space
            this.panner = this.renderer.audioContext.createPanner();
            this.panner.panningModel = "HRTF";
            this.panner.distanceModel = "inverse";//linear inverse exponential
            this.panner.refDistance = 1;
            this.panner.maxDistance = 10000;
            this.panner.rolloffFactor = 1;
            this.panner.coneInnerAngle = 360;
            this.panner.coneOuterAngle = 0;
            this.panner.coneOuterGain = 0;

            //this sound gain, for per-sound volume control
            this.gain = this.renderer.audioContext.createGain();

            if (this.is3D) {
            else {


     * @param {MediaStream} stream the MediaStream from which to create this AudioSource
     * @param {boolean=true} autoConnect if false is given, this source' gain will be disconnected from the destination (renderer masterGain node). Usefull for mic stream analysis that don't need to hear but need to connect to the analyser
    createFromMediaStream(stream, autoConnect) {
        const mediaStreamSource = this.renderer.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
        this.nativeAudioSource = mediaStreamSource;

        if (!autoConnect) {

    generateAudioBufferSource() {

        if (this.mediaElement) {
            if (!this.nativeAudioSource) {
                this.nativeAudioSource = this.renderer.audioContext.createMediaElementSource(this.mediaElement);
            //media Element have already all the infos inside!
            this.duration = this.mediaElement.duration;
            this.nativeAudioSource.loop = this.loop;
            this.nativeAudioSource.playbackRate.value = this.playbackRate;
        else {
            this.nativeAudioSource = this.renderer.audioContext.createBufferSource();
            this.nativeAudioSource.loop = this.loop;
            this.nativeAudioSource.playbackRate.value = this.playbackRate;
            this.nativeAudioSource.buffer = this.buffer.getNativeBuffer();
            //we get the duration from the buffer
            this.duration = this.buffer.getNativeBuffer().duration;
            //console.log(this.buffer, this.nativeAudioSource);


     * If you need to connect WebAudio AudioNode by yourself, use this method with the access to the WebAudio Node given by getNativeSource()
     * @param {AudioNode} dest the destination to connect this source to. If this param is undefined, the connection will be made automatically with the renderer's masterGain
    connect(dest) {
        if (dest) {
        else {

     * Disconnects this source from it current destination
    disconnect() {

    * Return the underlying WebAudio audio source
    * @return {AudioBufferSourceNode} webAudio source
    getNativeSource() {
        return this.nativeAudioSource;

    set the current Source buffer
    @param {Object} buffer the AudioBuffer we want the source to play.
    setBuffer(buffer) {
        this.buffer = buffer;

     * Set this source's gain volume, use a 1 sec linear ramp to avoid clicks
     * @param {Number} gain
     * @param {Number} rampValue in seconds
    setGain(gainValue, rampValue) {

        let value = gainValue;

        if (gainValue === 0) {
            value = 0.001;

        this.gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, this.renderer.getCurrentTime() + rampValue);
        //this.gain.gain.value = val;

     * Get this audioContext's gain volume
     * @param {Number} val 
    getGain() {
        return this.gain.gain.value;

     * Set this source playback rate (speed)
     * @param {Number} val 
    setPlaybackRate(val) {
        this.playbackRate = val;
        this.nativeAudioSource.playbackRate.value = this.playbackRate;

     * Get this source playback rate (speed)
     * @return {Number}
    getPlaybackRate() {
        return this.playbackRate;

    * Sets the reference distance for sound attenuation through space
    * @param {Number} val
    setRefDistance(val) {
        this.panner.refDistance = val;

    * Sets the maximum distance for sound propagation in space
    * @param {Number} val
    setMaxDistance(val) {
        this.panner.maxDistance = val;

    * set 3D propagation
    * @param {Boolean} enabled
    /* set3D(enabled) {
        this.is3D = enabled;
    } */

    set the current Transform that represents the Source position in space.
    @param {Object} transform the Transform.
    setTransform(transform) {
        this.transform = transform;

    * set this source loop
    * @param {Boolean} enabled
    setLoop(val) {
        this.loop = val;
        this.nativeAudioSource.loop = this.loop;

    * get this source loop
    * @return {Boolean} enabled
     getLoop() {
        return this.loop;

     * @param {Number} angle 
    setConeInnerAngle(angle) {
        this.panner.coneInnerAngle = angle;

     * @param {Number} angle 
    setConeOuterAngle(angle) {
        this.panner.coneOuterAngle = angle;

     * @param {Number} val 
    setConeOuterGain(val) {
        this.panner.coneOuterGain = val;

     * @param {Boolean} val 
    setAutoUpdateRotation(val) {
        this.autoUpdateRotation = val;

     * Sets the offset play of this sound
     * @param {Number} val the time to start to play the sound buffer
    setOffsetStartTime(val) {
        this.offsetStartTime = val;

     * Gets the offset play of this sound
     * @return {Number} the time to start to play the sound buffer
    getOffsetStartTime() {
        return this.offsetStartTime;

     * Sets the start time play of this sound in current rendrer time
     * @param {Number} val the time to start to play the sound buffer
    setScheduleStartTime(val) {
        this.scheduleStartTime = val;

     * Gets the offset play of this sound
     * @return {Number} the time to start to play the sound buffer
    getScheduleStartTime() {
        return this.scheduleStartTime;

    on() {

    off() {;

     * Play this sound source
    play() {

        this.startedTime = this.renderer.audioContext.currentTime;

        if (this.nativeAudioSource) {

        this.playing = true;

        if (!this.mediaElement) {
            this.nativeAudioSource.start(this.scheduleStartTime, this.offsetStartTime);
        else {


    offlinePlay() {
        this.nativeAudioSource.start(this.scheduleStartTime, this.offsetStartTime);

    pauses the Source.
    pause() {
        if (this.nativeAudioSource) {
            this.playing = false;

    stops the Source.
    stop() {
        if (this.nativeAudioSource) {
            if (!this.mediaElement) {
                delete this.nativeAudioSource;
            else {
                this.mediaElement.currentTime = 0;
            this.playing = false;

    * Updates the source's position in space if given from a transform
    update() {

        if (!this.mediaElement) {
            //calculate the currentTime of this sound
            this.currentTime = this.renderer.audioContext.currentTime - this.startedTime;
        else {
            this.currentTime = this.mediaElement.currentTime;

        if (this.currentTime > this.duration) {
            this.startedTime = this.renderer.audioContext.currentTime;
             //send an event when files is over or looping
  , this.loopCount);

        if (this.transform) {
            const pos = this.transform.getLocalPosition();
            this.panner.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

            if (this.autoUpdateRotation) {
                const quat = this.transform.getLocalQuaternion();
                const directions = quat.getDirections();

                //console.log("directions.forward", directions.forwardVector);

                if (this.panner.orientationX) {
                    this.panner.orientationX.value = directions.forwardVector.x;
                    this.panner.orientationY.value = directions.forwardVector.y;
                    this.panner.orientationZ.value = directions.forwardVector.z;
                else {
                    this.panner.setOrientation(directions.forwardVector.x, directions.forwardVector.y, directions.forwardVector.z);