const MOBILE = "mobile";
const DESKTOP = "desktop";
// A map of regular expressions to test the userAgent with and retreive OS information
const OS_REGEX = new Map([
["Windows 10", /(Windows 10.0|Windows NT 10.0)/],
["Windows 8.1", /(Windows 8.1|Windows NT 6.3)/],
["Windows 8", /(Windows 8|Windows NT 6.2)/],
["Windows 7", /(Windows 7|Windows NT 6.1)/],
["Windows Vista", /Windows NT 6.0/],
["Windows Server 2003", /Windows NT 5.2/],
["Windows XP", /(Windows NT 5.1|Windows XP)/],
["Windows 2000", /(Windows NT 5.0|Windows 2000)/],
["Windows ME", /(Win 9x 4.90|Windows ME)/],
["Windows 98", /(Windows 98|Win98)/],
["Windows 95", /(Windows 95|Win95|Windows_95)/],
["Windows NT 4.0", /(Windows NT 4.0|WinNT4.0|WinNT|Windows NT)/],
["Windows CE", /Windows CE/],
["Windows 3.11", /Win16/],
["Android", /Android/],
["Open BSD", /OpenBSD/],
["Sun OS", /SunOS/],
["Linux", /(Linux|X11)/],
["iOS", /(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/],
["Mac OS X", /Mac OS X/],
["Mac OS", /(MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/],
["QNX", /QNX/],
["UNIX", /UNIX/],
["BeOS", /BeOS/],
["OS/2", /OS\/2/],
["Search Bot", /(nuhk|Googlebot|Yammybot|Openbot|Slurp|MSNBot|Ask Jeeves\/Teoma|ia_archiver)/]
const _STATICS = {};
* Device class gives easy access to some device information such as the operating system and browser used
* @example
* Mobilizing.Device.getOS();
* @class Device
export default class Device {
* Parse OS data from navigator.userAgent and navigator.appVersion
* Credit goes to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9514179/how-to-find-the-operating-system-version-using-javascript
* @method parseOSData
* @static
* @private
static parseOSData() {
let os = "unknown";
let osVersion = "unknown";
for (const [key, regex] of OS_REGEX) {
if (regex.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
os = key;
if (/Windows/.test(os)) {
osVersion = /Windows (.*)/.exec(os)[1];
os = "Windows";
switch (os) {
case "Mac OS X":
osVersion = /Mac OS X (10[._\d]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1];
case "Android":
osVersion = /Android ([._\d]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1];
case "iOS":
osVersion = /OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/.exec(navigator.appVersion);
osVersion = `${osVersion[1]}.${osVersion[2]}.${osVersion[3] | 0}`;
_STATICS.os = os;
_STATICS.osVersion = osVersion;
* Parse browser data from navigator.appName, navigator.userAgent and navigator.appVersion
* Credit goes to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9514179/how-to-find-the-operating-system-version-using-javascript
* @method parseBrowserData
* @static
* @private
static parseBrowserData() {
let browser = navigator.appName;
let version;
let majorVersion;
let versionOffset;
let nameOffset;
let ix;
// Opera
if ((versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")) !== -1) {
browser = "Opera";
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 6);
if ((versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Version")) !== -1) {
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 8);
else if ((versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")) !== -1) {
browser = "Microsoft Internet Explorer";
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 5);
// Chrome
else if ((versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome")) !== -1) {
browser = "Chrome";
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 7);
// Safari
else if ((versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari")) !== -1) {
browser = "Safari";
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 7);
if ((versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Version")) !== -1) {
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 8);
// Firefox
else if ((versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")) !== -1) {
browser = "Firefox";
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 8);
// MSIE 11+
else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident/") !== -1) {
browser = "Microsoft Internet Explorer";
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("rv:") + 3);
// Other browsers
else if ((nameOffset = navigator.userAgent.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1) < (versionOffset = navigator.userAgent.lastIndexOf("/"))) {
browser = navigator.userAgent.substring(nameOffset, versionOffset);
version = navigator.userAgent.substring(versionOffset + 1);
if (browser.toLowerCase() === browser.toUpperCase()) {
browser = navigator.appName;
// trim the version string
if ((ix = version.indexOf(";")) !== -1) {
version = version.substring(0, ix);
if ((ix = version.indexOf(" ")) !== -1) {
version = version.substring(0, ix);
if ((ix = version.indexOf(")")) !== -1) {
version = version.substring(0, ix);
majorVersion = parseInt(`${version}`, 10);
if (isNaN(majorVersion)) {
version = `${parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)}`;
majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10);
_STATICS.browser = browser;
_STATICS.browserVersion = version;
_STATICS.browserMajorVersion = majorVersion;
* Get the device type
* @method getType
* @static
* @return {String} The device type (mobile or desktop)
static getType() {
if (!("type" in _STATICS)) {
_STATICS.type = /Mobile|mini|Fennec|Android|iP(ad|od|hone)/.test(navigator.appVersion) ? MOBILE : DESKTOP;
return _STATICS.type;
* Get the operating system's type
* @method getOS
* @static
* @return {String} The OS type (Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, etc)
static getOS() {
if (!("os" in _STATICS)) {
return _STATICS.os;
* Get the operating system's version
* @method getOSVersion
* @static
* @return {String} The OS version
static getOSVersion() {
if (!("osVersion" in _STATICS)) {
return _STATICS.osVersion;
* Get the name of the web browser
* @method getBrowser
* @static
* @return {String} The browser's name
static getBrowser() {
if (!("browser" in _STATICS)) {
return _STATICS.browser;
* Get the version of the web browser
* @method getBrowserVersion
* @static
* @return {String} The browser's version
static getBrowserVersion() {
if (!("browserVersion" in _STATICS)) {
return _STATICS.browserVersion;
* Get the major version number of the web browser
* @method getBrowserMajorVersion
* @static
* @return {Number} The browser's major version
static getBrowserMajorVersion() {
if (!("browserMajorVersion" in _STATICS)) {
return _STATICS.browserMajorVersion;
* Get the framework the html page is running under (ejecta or cordova), if any
* @method getFramework
* @static
* @return {String} The framework's name, or null if none
static getFramework() {
if (!("framework" in _STATICS)) {
_STATICS.framework = null;
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ejecta") > -1) {
_STATICS.framework = "ejecta";
else if (window.cordova) {
_STATICS.framework = "cordova";
return _STATICS.framework;
* Get the screen's width
* This does not necessarily indicate the width available
* Some of the screen's width might be used by browser widgets and scrollbars
* @method getScreenWidth
* @static
* @return {Number} The screen's width in pixels
static getScreenWidth() {
return window.screen.width;
* Get the screen's height
* This does not necessarily indicate the height available
* Some of the screen's height might be used by browser widgets and scrollbars
* @method getScreenHeight
* @static
* @return {Number} The screen's height in pixels
static getScreenHeight() {
return window.screen.height;
* Shortcut to {{#crossLink "Device/getScreenWidth:method"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "Device/getScreenHeight:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
* @method getScreenSize
* @static
* @return {Object} An object with "width" and "height" as keys representing the screen's dimensions
static getScreenSize() {
return {
"width": Device.getScreenWidth(),
"height": Device.getScreenHeight()
static getUUID() {
let uuid;
if (window.cordova && window.device && ("uuid" in window.device)) {
uuid = window.device.uuid;
else {
uuid = window.localStorage.getItem("uuid");
if (!uuid) {
uuid = Date.now() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000).toString() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000).toString();
window.localStorage.setItem("uuid", uuid);
return uuid;